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Meet The Member - Shibon Brander of SMB Fitness



SMB Fitness

We chatted to our member Shibon of SMB Fitness to talk about fitness and how she can help you as a Personal Trainer.

It’s lovely having you a member of we are harpenden. what inspired you to start training and why did you became a personal trainer?

Hey! It's good to be part of the We Are Harpenden community. I have always had a passion for sport and fitness stemming from my youth as 3 day event horse rider and county hockey player. I then developed a love for strength training and was fascinated by the human body's ability to adapt to heavy load over time. I have now been strength training (lifting heavy stuff) for over 30 years. In 2020 I qualified as a personal trainer and turned my passion into a business that is now SMB FITNESS HARPENDEN.

you seem to be very consistent with exercise. what is your personal drive and motivation?

My personal drive and motivation is to keep functionally strong. I like to keep my body healthy and in good condition. I strength trained through both of my pregnancies right up to week 36 and was back training post pregnancy week 6. In 2010 I was diagnosed with early onset osteoarthritis, which then led to a bilateral hip replacement. The first in 2014 and second in 2016. Post hip replacement was a very motivational time for me. I could not wait to get back to the gym and start my recovery, as I could now move pain free with a greater range of movement. Being strong and fit had a whole new meaning.

Do you have a training/fitness philosophy?

I believe that any woman can become strong and fit at any age. Consistency is key. Repeating processes over time will bring you the rewards you desire. 

what are your favourite exercises in the gym?

Key compound lifts such as squats, deadlifts, pull ups and bench presses are key to monitoring progress when building strength. Deadlifts are my favourite exercise of all time, along with the barbell bench press as a second.

how would your clients best describe you?

I think my clients would describe me as motivational, caring, and one who will never let you slack!

why did you decide to train women only? 

I specialise in female strength and conditioning. My business just evolved to attracting female clients over time.

How do you structure your classes?

Client sessions are structured in the following manner:

  • Dynamic stretch - mobilisation getting the body ready for the session

  • Warm up on a piece of kit - assault bike, ski erg etc to get the heart rate up 

  • Prep and prime - warm up with exercises which will activate the muscles which are going to be used in the session

  • Each session starts with a primary compound lift - e.g. barbell squat, deadlift, barbell RDL, barbell overhead press or barbell chest press - working on major muscles groups

  • Moving on to accessory strength work using smaller muscles

  • Finishing the session with a metabolic finisher on a piece of cardio kit to elevate the heart rate and aid recovery preparing the body for its next session.

You offer nutritional advice. what are your top tips?

My top tip re nutrition, is to make sure your nutrition meets your goals. Whether it be for fat loss, performance based, muscle gain or maintenance, make sure you are eating a variety of macronutrients & micronutrients - proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fruit & vegetables. It is important to enjoy what you eat!

What is your advice for anyone wanting to start training but is unsure?

My advice to anyone wanting to start training is to just get started! Have a goal you would like to achieve over a period time. Make your goal realistic. Set a timeline. Make sure your training is relevant to your goal. Your goal can be short term, medium term, or long term. You can enlist the help of a Personal Trainer to help you with your fitness journey. Feel free to get in touch with me so we can discuss your goals and how I can help.

finally, tell us a few spots that you like to visit locally.

A few local hot spots I like to visit are Everyone Active Gym in Harpenden, The Silver Palate for brunch, Zaza, and Vinsanto for the odd Margarita Cocktails!