Meet The Member - Pastry Chef Daniel Fletcher

Daniel Fletcher
We spoke to local pastry chef Daniel Fletcher about his love of baking, 8oz coffee, roast dinners and working for the likes of chef Gordon Ramsay.
Could you tell us a bit about yourself and life before pastry?
I’m a local having been born in St. Albans and growing up in Redbourn. I went to senior school at Verulam and had a part time job at the Gleneagles Hotel in Harpenden. The town has been a big part of my life.
What is your earliest memory in the kitchen and how/when did your passion for baking begin?
Earliest memories are of me baking with my nan when I was about 5 years old, sitting up on the kitchen table making cakes and licking the spoon! My nan was an amazing cook which inspired me into the world of pastry.
Where did you train to become a chef?
I trained for 3 years at Westminster college in London, where I gained NVQ levels 1,2 and 3 and a professional chef’s diploma in patisserie and baking.
What would you say is your specialty, and is there anything you find challenging?
Tarte tatin is my go to dessert and I enjoy making fresh Viennoiserie at 8oz. My cinnamon buns have been on the menu from day one. In terms of challenging products, macaroons can be a little temperamental.
You’ve worked for Jason Atherton & Gordon Ramsay; can you tell us a little bit about those times in your career? And does Gordon Ramsay swear as much in real life?
I always wanted to work for Gordon once I went into kitchens, at the time he was the most decorated chef in the world and at the top of his game. The bonus was, my first job with him was in New York and in my 4 years with him I also opened 2 restaurants in Melbourne as well as spending some time in London for him where I first met Jason. It was a time I look back fondly on and is one of the perks of being a chef as your craft allows you to travel. I met some great people who I am still friends with today and learnt a hell of a lot in that time which stood me in good stead for the rest of my career.
Who are the pastry chefs you admire most?
Cédric Grolet who is based in Paris does some amazing patisserie and is at the top of his game. To be honest there are too many to list! My old boss Claude Lamarche is also someone who played a big part in shaping my career and has a passion which will stay with me forever and I can always hear him in my head when I’m doing certain things in the kitchen.
What advice would you give to any aspiring pastry chefs out there?
Love what you do, work hard and listen.
What made you decide to start 8oz in Harpenden within Purple Menswear?
I’ve always wanted my own little café / bakery in my home town, so when we moved back 4 years ago that’s what I set out to do. It’s a great little spot and gives me an opportunity to build a brand and test the market.
What are your favourite places in Harpenden to go and is there anything you think is missing?
Silver Cup for a Sunday roast is definitely a family favourite, Zero Sushi is a great little spot and Purple Menswear for clothes. Harpenden is missing a cool wine bar with good food, good drinks and a cool vibe which I am currently working on bringing to the town later in the year!
How has the current pandemic affected your work?
I’m lucky in the fact that having a small coffee shop most of my business is takeaway, so I would say I can still operate at about 80%. It’s sad to see how much hospitality has been affected with a real lack of support from the government.
When the Covid-19 lockdown is over, what is the first restaurant you’ll be heading to and what will you order?
At this time, I’m really missing a good Sunday roast so would have to say heading down to the Silver Cup with the family for a banging roast and a pint.
Where do you picture yourself in 5 years?
I’d like to think I will be still doing the same as I am today, but on a larger scale with multiple sites. The plan is to grow the business and brand.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself that people don’t know about you.
My favourite sandwich is ham, crisps and salad cream!