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Meet The Member - Bioresonance at the Heartwood Clinic



Hello Katrina, could you please tell us a bit about yourself?

Hello, my name is Katrina. I am married and a mother of two wonderful children. I moved to Harpenden when I was two years old and went to St George’s school. My family and I moved to Wheathampstead 10 years ago and we absolutely love the village.

We’d love to hear more about Bioresonance and its history?

Originally developed by doctors and scientists in Germany, Bioresonance is a non-invasive therapy that has been around for many years and is now used by many practitioners around the world. It is a painless and gentle method of treating various conditions and is a form of medicine and works in the same way as homeopathy, acupuncture and other complementary therapy methods.

The human body is made up of trillions of cells each of which have their own unique characteristics and resonate at a particular frequency. The complex frequency make-up of the body can be disrupted when impacted by environmental factors such as allergens, bacteria, viruses and parasites, and toxins, leading to symptoms of illness. This is caused when an accumulation of toxins starves the body’s cells of oxygen and nutrients.

Bioresonance therapy analyses the resonance frequency pattern of the body to safely diagnose where there are cell imbalances and stress to the body. This allows the device to target these specific areas, to correct the imbalances and reverse negative frequency pattern. Therefore, a combination of Bioresonance therapy, diet and lifestyle will facilitate the body's own natural healing process to restore itself to a healthy state.

Why did you decide that this was a career for you? Was there anything that encouraged a career in Bioresonance?

My journey with Bioresonance started in 2014. My daughter Caitlin who at the time was 8 years old, was suffering from severe and chronic abdominal pain and headaches. After many visits to the doctors including specialists in London she was diagnosed with anxiety. As her mother, I knew that this wasn’t the case and looked at anything that could help. I came across Bioresonance and made an appointment and within five minutes the device had detected a yeast overgrowth in the gut.

After the first session Caitlin's pain had improved dramatically and within months she was completely pain free and back to being a happy 8-year-old child, and she is still the same today 7 years on. We as a family all went to have Bioresonance as did most of my friends. Following our experience, I had a huge passion for Bioresonance and changed my career to become a Bioresonance practitioner and help others in the same way.

That’s an incredible story. Where do you offer this and what can people expect during their first consultation with you?

In just 5 minutes, the Bioresonance device will scan the body’s cell frequencies to detect for any imbalances. This is achieved by attaching wrist bands to each wrist and allowing the device to analyse cell frequencies. The results are immediately displayed and will highlight where negative frequencies require rebalancing. The Bioresonance therapy will then be set to specifically target the identified areas and this will typically take up to 45 minutes. Once this is complete, the system will run a 2nd scan, again taking up to 5 minutes, showing the impact after the treatment and the improvement against the initial scan.

It is completely pain free and there are no lasting side effects. Some clients report feeling relaxed and energised after the treatment, while some report feeling slightly tired during and immediately after the treatment.

Could you please tell us some examples of what Bioresonance can help with?

Bioresonance is suitable for anyone of any age, including babies and children. I personally advise against treating people who are either pregnant, suffer from epilepsy or who have a pacemaker fitted.

It is a complementary therapy assisting the body to reduce and eliminate a wide range of symptoms including the following: All allergy intolerances, asthma, food intolerances, hay fever, viruses, toxins, parasites, candida and other fungal conditions, digestive issues, fatigue, rheumatism arthritis, anxiety and depression, menopause, migraines and ADHD.

here are A couple of reviews showing how Bioresonance has helped my clients:

“On my first visit I was surprised and amazed. I deliberately didn’t say anything while the initial scan was running. The very first thing the results showed was a problem with my eyes. I have Glaucoma. Katrina went on to mention other things that had come up, issues with my joints, I have arthritis, stress, again correct. After the hours session I could not believe how calm and relaxed I felt, that night I slept the best I had in a long time.  A month later I went beck, this time my lungs showed as one of the first things out of balance, I had been a bit breathless recently however I put it down to pollen and the season.  A few months later after an asthma attack I got the diagnosis that I have COPD, I was shocked but also remembered my results from my last visit, the Bioresonance device had picked up a problem before I even knew I had one. I still have Bioresonance, every time I feel an overall improvement in all aspects of my health.”

“I went to see Katrina to investigate menopause flushes I have been suffering from and I am pleased to say that after only two sessions the frequency of the flushes has dramatically reduced. While I was there Katrina also mentioned a problem with my right ear. I have had glue ear that has caused pain and loss of hearing for a number of years. After the session I could not believe that the pain had almost gone and has not returned. It also confirmed the food allergies that I was aware of.”

You can contact Katrina on Instagram @heartwoodclinic or