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Legion Fitness

Legion Fitness uk

Here at Legion Fitness UK we are dedicated to helping you achieve your own personal goals. Whether that be getting fitter or losing weight or just simply boosting your confidence.

We run professional, fun kit based sessions outdoors and you will be with other like minded people who will also encourage you to pursue your goals. We are a friendly bootcamp and personal training company that caters for all fitness levels from the complete beginner to the advanced.

Our bootcamp is designed to improve strength and fitness with a wide variety of exercises both with kit and without. You will be given an effective workout every single session that will bring out the best in you.

Remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. Fitness doesn’t come overnight but with a bit of commitment from yourself and the expertise from our instructors we are sure you will achieve your goals.


Harpenden and surrounding areas.

bootcamp times

Monday: 9.30am - 10.30am & 7pm - 8pm
Tuesday: 6pm - 7pm
Wednesday: 6.30pm - 7.30pm
Thursday: 9.30pm - 10.30am & 7pm - 8pm
Saturday: 8am - 9am & 9.45am - 10.45am
Sunday: 10am - 11am

