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Clean Living International

clean living international

Natures way of cleaning - one does not need harsh toxins to obtain a beautiful clean home. Our award winning biological cleaning products give a more effective and longer lasting clean, using natural formulations that are boosted by enzymes, that are natural, biodegradable, PH neutral, vegan friendly and non-damaging to aquatic life.

Refill, Reuse,Recyle

Predominantly most cleaning products are 99% water and come in single use plastics. Clean living are the FIRST UK brand to introduce refillable aluminium spray bottles with concentrates which come in sachets - these can be recycled by returning to the company - one can tailor refills to your cleaning needs using our hassle-free and fully flexible refill subscription service.

Finally a solution that we can all embrace - by being a tiny pebble that is thrown into a pond - the ripple effect can be far reaching, we CAN make a difference. Also think about the chemical residues left in baths that we bath our children in, clean our floors with, our feet are the biggest receptors to absorb anything they come into contact with, our feet have the largest pores on our body, so help protect yourself, your family and your pets from harmful chemicals and at the same time make a difference to help with our plastic waste problem.

I would also like to add that Clean Living proudly donate 1 per cent to The Born Free Foundation, helping to protect our amazing animal kingdom that we share our planet with, and educating our future generation by actively going into schools.